Sunday, December 26th, 1999 - #1106

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

4.31 (49 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #1106 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts)
12/26/1999 – Sunday Night Show
Source – Lost Tape VHS (2018) merged with a JBJ Tape (2008)

This is a partially new source for an episode I first recovered a decade ago, now with an audio upgrade and it's over 99% complete, just missing the closing segment due to. Adam and Drew discuss their Christmas experiences and they get a call from a recent guest and new friend regarding a classic film. Solid episode!


John from SOAD calls in, Taboo II

This is the show where Adam first says the line "MOM I'M SO MAD AT YOU." This line turns into a recurring drop throughout the rest of Adam's days on Loveline.

Recording Info:

Added: 4/30/2024

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (17)

  1. dcchaos

    oh its also the show that John calls in from system of a down saying he has the Taboo 2 dvd and Adam leaves the show one break early finishing the show on his cellphone.

  2. twilit

    The correct show date for this is 12/26/1999.

    The date listed here is wrong like other posters have pointed out because they talk about Christmas gifts they’ve gotten – and they announce Andy Dick for the show the next night – who was on December 27th, 1999.

  3. I could swear this is a duplicate. This is the episode where Adam leaves early to get his copy of Tabboo 2 from John from System of a Down.

  4. shalywell

    Not likely this show is the day after xmas. It must be a week later. These guys wouldn’t be back to work so quickly.
    But about 18 minutes in Adam says System of a Down were guests 3 weeks prior and your records lists this as 11/30/99.

  5. Lateralus

    Honestly have never heard Adam so “giddy.” I really loved this episode for some reason. I got 8 hours of sleep from 7pm-3am and listened in the the middle of the night before school. Very chill couple hours haha

  6. BMacC

    Adam left early to pick up his elusive, holy-grail of porno tapes, Taboo 2, from John of SOAD. En route to John’s on the 405, from his cell phone Adam does an entire segment w/ Drew, taking calls and everything, and he’s somehow even funnier on the celly, great radio!

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