Wednesday, December 15th, 1999 - #1099

Guest: Nick Hexum

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.74 (16 votes)

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Show Summary:

From the band 311

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: PxRx

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (7)

  1. inFRUITthe

    I disagree – it starts out with a BANG! The first or second caller is amazeballs. A 19 year old “promotional model” married to a trucker in his mid thirties wondering why sex has tapered off since she started banging him at 15. They ask where they met and she says Colorado. After more probing they find out the specific town which Nick chimes in to say that it stinks because there are a lot of slaughter houses in the town. She then admits that they MET at a SLAUGHTER HOUSE and her ex boyfriend tried to beat her up in a bar. She decided to leave said town because a friend of hers turns up dead in a snow drift. Crazy stuff – they totally should have gambled but she claims nothing happened to her.

    More references to the Colorado town throughout the show. People confirm that it stinks there. A lot of whackos. Good times!

  2. HarrySeaward

    The 1:24:54 recording is from a different show (12-6-2001, I think). I was listening to this one first and none of inFRUITthe’s comments made sense. I suspect MrDurden was listening to the same show I was because he’s right – the recording on that one is bad and it’s not a great show.

    Now that I’ve heard the right show, I agree it’s a pretty good show! Good handful of nutjob calls.

  3. kenvhyt

    at one point there’s a call from some feminist that’s mad that adam calls guys p*ssys and adam pulls a wacky question out of nowhere “do you trim down there?” to drew’s disbelief.. hahaha and the girl answers him. hahaha
    someone saying that these days would probably get canned.

  4. Lateralus

    I love 311 yo. Pnut (bassist) follows me on twitter and you can hear him jamming here in come original (first song). I’ve liked em from a young age and really got into them around the time i started getting into loveline as they were both on the same alternateive station, Q101 Chicagoand it’s fascinating to

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