Sunday, October 24th, 1999 - #1061
Guest: Columbine Students
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
CLL #1061 (feat. Columbine Students)
10/24/1999 – Sunday Night Show
Source – Lost Tape (2017) with JBJ Tape (2008) Patches
This is a new tape for an existing episode, first recovered in full back in 2008. Now with a huge audio upgrade. Perhaps the most important and sadly still relevant episode of 1999. Three Students from Columbine high school appear on the show. Alicia, Rich and Courtney are all making their only appearances on CLL. Adam keeps the show light and tells what is possibly the best version of the Take Out food order mixup story. The students walk the guys through the events of the shooting and prove to be terrific guests. This is truly a one of a kind episode.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
A very gripping episode – 3 kids tell their first hand stories of what happened at the school shooting. They are all great accounts, although one girl talks about how she was wearing a “cute outfit” with a short skirt and not eating at lunch to impress some guy…. Their recollections are haunting – it would be interesting to hear how these kids are doing today – Adam postulates that they are probably some of the healthiest people in America because they were granted free therapy sessions because of the traumatic events.
I had forgotten (or maybe never knew) most of the details of the Columbine shooting. It was very moving to hear these kid’s accounts of the events from that dark day. The hair on my neck stood on end when the one girl talked about being face to face with one of the shooters, having her teacher shot right next to her and hearing bullets whiz by her head.
I also thought the one girl’s account of wearing the “cute skirt” was out of place, but I’m sure she was still in denial and/or maybe felt she needed to lift some of the weight from the event she was about to describe.
This is one of the best LoveLine episodes EVER and demonstrates Ace’s interviewing prowess, even at this early point in his career.
This recording should be admitted to the National Archives.
Groundbreaking show- this show contains the exact point in which engineer Anderson’s voice becomes a semi regular feature on the show. Magnifique!
Amazing show. Crazy first hand accounts of the Columbine massacre. Surprised this isn’t rated up there with the 9/11 show. Very eerie, and not a ton of humor, but very intriguing to listen to.
To the guys below me… who cares that she comments on her cute outfit to impress a guy? She was just saying what a normal day it was in the life of a 16/17 year old in high school, and exactly what she was doing at the time. No different than asking ‘where were you when JFK was shot’.
Very fascinating. The overall mood is not a heavy one, you do get some good info. The male guest actually knew Dylan, one of the shooters
I was 9 when the Columbine event went down, and the situation was definitely kept away from kids my age at the time because of how disturbing it was. This episode is unbelievable. I’ve been working my way through these episodes from the beginning of the Ace Rockolla era, and this episode stands alone. You gotta hear this. The student accounts are terrifying and amazing.
Very compelling
File Upgrade!