Tuesday, June 22nd, 1999 - #973
Guest: Serenity
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Calls & Tags (16)
Joan, F
We pick up midway through the call. Joan's dad doesn't like her dating dark-skinned men.
Ashley, F, 15, Baltimore
Ashley was raped by a 24 y/o friend and is now pregnant. We learn she had taken 4 pills of ecstasy and was drinking heavily. Drew's worried.
Jennifer, F, 17
Jennifer's bf broke up with her after prom. She wants to get back with him. The guys explain it doesn't work that way.
Greg, M, 15, Maryland
Greg's worried Adam will leave Loveline. Adam reassures him. We know how that story ends.
Lisa, F, 20
Lisa's ex broke up with her when she was 7 months pregnant & is asking her for dating advice. The guys deem Lisa detached from reality.
Julian, M, 15
Julian wants to know the proper etiquette for ejaculating into a woman’s mouth during oral sex. The guys decide he’s a jerkoff.
Matt, M, 29
Matt used ecstasy for 5 years and says it dropped his IQ 30 points. Drew agrees it's neurotoxic. This segues into Viagra discussion.
Nick, M
Nick has a gf with a tight vagina, but it's his comment to Adam that makes the call: "Drew doesn't make any sense until you explain it".
Christy, F
Christy's asleep after holding 6 mins. Her friend's giving BJs, which leads to the great "she came back with some jizz in her mouth" line.
Robert, M, 31
Robert wants to know whether Serenity was abused. She claims to have had a normal childhood & family.
John, M, 21
John wants Serenity's input on penis size. It turns into a classic "my penis is too big" call.
Simon, M, 24
Simon wants to stop smoking. He also filmed his neighbors having sex, then later beating on each other.
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Adam refers to Vivid’s “Double Feature” film (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0186973/) as a “puckish satire of contemporary morays”, quoting a line from the Woody Allen film, Love and Death.
Also, Serenity was in a relationship with a 24 year old guy at age 14. NICE.
*mores, not morays
Drew announces that DrDrew.com has just launched.
1:04:20 “She’s given out blowjobs….I didn’t believe her….so she came back with some jizz in her mouth and said ‘here, look!'”
Porn star Serenity is very oblivious and has had a traumatic childhood. Hold on ill wait for you to be scraped off the floor. Like I said in the episode before, man show debuts, mike leaves, drdrew.com launches. Big changes for loveline
After a couple disturbing calls, Adam comes up with the idea for his Ace on the House podcast, except it’s called “House Calls.”