Wednesday, March 3rd, 1999 - #894
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
Adam introduces Drew as a bored certified physician. Drew asks him if he's taking the antibiotic he's been prescribed. Adam goes on to rant about the child proof caps on medicine bottles. He thinks there should be an "adult lid" included with bottles so single folk don't have to mess around with the child proof ones.
Drew says stoners may get confused by the name lid and think they're buying weed.
A caller says he has an abrasion on his finger that has left some pink flesh exposed. Adam says he recently rented the movie Pink Flesh Exposed.
When Adam says Rob Schneider will be on the show tomorrow, Drew says he's doing Politically Incorrect with him earlier in the day. Adam suggests Drew have him come home and entertain his kids over dinner.
Caller Chad claims to have wacked off in class but is busted for being bogus when he repeats Adam's question.
12 year old caller Philip calls with a masturbation question. Drew tells him not to listen to the show because he's too young.
When Adam says he didn't start whacking off till 16, engineer Mike says he didn't start till he was 18.
Coming back from a break, Adam says there is a new batch of PSA's he has to listen to every night. He rants about McGruff the crime dog and yells at Drew for reading during his rant. It sounds like this is the first time Adam hears and brings up the airplane turbulence PSA.
They listen to it over the air and Adam goes off on how stupid it is. They actually plan on recording their own PSA after the show.
Adam freaks on a caller for not writing down a number that Drew read off. He also suggests the morning after pill be in gumball machines.
A kid from Cincinnati says he works at a local grocery store that Adam Drew have never heard of. He is on Ritalin and is snorting it to get high. Drew says River Phoenix died from the same sort of drug.
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Calls & Tags (8)
Jeff, M, 24
Fingered a girl. Has a cut on his finger, could he contract HIV that way? Chronically depressed from past LSD use.
Vicky, F, 18
Girl thinks her bf broke something during sex. Adam thinks it's nothing, and he has PTDD.
Rick, M, 32
Has intestinal cancer, going through chemo, taking meds. Smoking weed again, afraid that his addiction to other substances might re-surface.
Kenneth, M, 19
Been with many different girls, wonders if he should try quitting dating because it doesn't make him happy anymore. Issues with mom.
Trevor, M, 17
Masturbated an hour before having unprotected sex with girlfriend, pulled out, wonders if she could still get pregnant. Idiot.
1 -
Jasmine, F, 18
Having sex with a former boyfriend, is this appropriate? She has feelings for him, wrongly assumes he might feel the same way...
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The PSA (as brought to you by the FAA) describes how your body is designed for many things (football, childbirth, swimming, etc.), but it’s not designed for airplane turbulence, which means you should always keep your seatbelt on during the entire flight. This PSA was ridiculed by Adam for many years to come.
A kid named Chad calls in who got caught beating off in class and is worried his parents will find out.
Adam: “When was this?”
Chad: “Last Wednesday.”
Drew: “A week ago.”
Chad: “yeah.”
Adam: “Yeah the parents usually don’t find out until about 5-8 weeks after the incident. What are you worried your principal sent a message in a bottle?”
They figure that Chad is a bogus caller and Adam implores the future parents of the world to not name their child Chad as it exponentially increases the chances that he turn out to be a stoner.
Adam: “Vickie, you’re 18.”
Vickie: “Last night me and my boyfriend were having sex and I was on top, and I guess I went back down too hard and we heard this loud crack, like a knuckle cracking noise?”
Adam: “That was your dad’s soul. You broke it.”
5 star show. Just good
This show also has a hilarious example of one those classic Loveline caller moments. Drew randomly guesses that this girl moved out of the house at 12, and she of course lays the Mckayla Maroney on him. Even after Adam gives her a healthy browbeating…nothing. Never been a less impressed caller, and never been a better guess (since as we all know, the batting cage girl did mention her boyfriend worked at a fun park or something).
I’m sorry, and I know I’ve done this a few times, plus I’m unleashing a 4 line comment bumper, which I guess I understand the policy and all, but Jesus Christ people, we’re not laying down the Magna Carta here. Seems like you could just bump away. But I’m digressing. The point is the below comment belongs with the 3/21 ep. I think. No I’m sure. Reasonably sure. Fuck it it’s either that one or this one. Enjoy.
Damn it. I mean 3/25. One of those 3 for sure.
Extremely good episode. I forgot just how good these pre 2000 shows could be.