Monday, February 1st, 1999 - #872
Guest: David Arquette
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Pirates day???
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Added: 8/2/2017
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Monday, February 1st, 1999 - #872
Guest: David Arquette
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Pirates day???
Added: 8/2/2017
Recorded By: ?
Transferred By: ?
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
13 year old heroin user towards the end. Hardcore.
Adam’s Grandmother called him to tell him Drew was talking smack while Adam was gone the past 2 shows
Shit got through at 1:02 😀
David is a pretty weak guest this time around and barely talks. Adam of course makes up for it with some funny sh*t. Does anyone have the Neve Campbell episode?
Pretty funny rant at the 1:00 mark where people define themselves by their possessions. Starts with bikers and ends with surfers/lesbians.
David Arquette sounds like a burnt out zombie and the callers are retarded. David needs rehab.