Thursday, October 15th, 1998 - #795

Guest: Goo Goo Dolls

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.94 (25 votes)

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Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: egadsman

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (12)

  1. unclepenny

    Moved comments:

    Monday, 1/28/2013 at 7:53 PM EST
    not the source for the “Alright Alright Alright” drop. It does however have a wonderful line “could you imagine…how humiliating would it be to sit there and watch your dreams”…

    Saturday, 1/26/2013 at 1:30 PM EST
    Hi Gio, It sound like the origin of Drew’s “Alright alright alright” drop when Ace won’t stop going on about his dream with Diane Farr. 1:08:10

    Thursday, 1/24/2013 at 11:02 PM EST
    This is a newly recovered show, might possibly be the last, for 15yrs this Gem has been rotting away, very awesome one time only reveals, the show really heats up when the band leaves.

    No songs, 87min or so of show, quick “sexworld” clip too boot, gotta love these MSP shows!

    Wednesday, 1/23/2013 at 4:39 PM EST
    I’m adding this show now, it’s an 85+min copy, the first time it’s been heard in almost 15yrs.

    One of the last tapes I fear I will ever transfer, not sure if anything is missing, could be an edited out song or lost call or 2, opening and closing are intact, it’s for sure this episode, the date seems to line up too.

    Took a ton of work to fix the pitch, the background noise and everything else.

    It’s episode 795 of the Adam Carolla Era.

  2. BMacC

    @Giovanni PROPS man, always love your intros on the Classic Loveline Pod, good times.

    There is a weird show moment starting about 0:19:55- threw me for a loop, but then it’s explained at about 0:22:30, a lil’ bit awkward for Adam! Haha

  3. proudcdnguy

    @Mounced & lordoftheview – As soon as I heard him mention this, I immediately came to this page to see if anyone else had noticed. I also just tweeted at Adam, Dr. Drew, Mike Catherwood and the Loveline Twitter accounts pointing this out!

  4. bluestrife28

    Wow when Adam spoke up on Bruce Jenner I thought I was in a timewarp. I wonder if somewhere when Bruce came out did Adam go “SEE I TOLD ALL YOU RETARDS THIS 20 YEARS AGO!” So awesome! People can say what they want about the content but Drew and Adam had their fingers on the pulse of their era.

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