Wednesday, October 14th, 1998 - #794
Guest: Leah Andreone
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Added: 8/2/2017
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Calls & Tags (12)
Megan, F, 21
Her boyfriend refuses to give up weed. Turns out her dad was an avid pot smoker also, and neglectful because of that.
Joe, M, 25
Unsure whether he should leave town and spend the holidays with a good friend, or stay with his doubtful girlfriend.
Mike, M, 21
Is a recovering coke addict who keeps getting in fights with his new girlfriend. Drew blurts out the S-word in frustration at 0:29:31.
Diana, F, 20
She was very overweight when she was in high school. Has been losing a lot of weight, eating makes her feel nauseous.
Anita, F, 18
Because of placenta previa, she isn't allowed to have sex. Is getting oral okay though? Drew gets frustrated once again.
Michelle, F
Her materialistic mother (recovering alcoholic) has broken up with her girlfriend, and now wants her kids to move into her new house.
Desiree, F, 16
She's upset because an older guy who she went out with took advantage of her and hasn't really spoken to her since.
Brandy, F, 25
Doesn't appreciate that her husband likes to spend time in Las Vegas where he visits strip clubs with his buddies.
Michelle, F, 21, Portland
Went to the same school as Leah Andreone (Helix High School), now lives in Portland. Has been listening to the show for 7 years.
Steve, M, 24
Has been fighting a lot with his wife of five years recently. She wants a divorce.
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Guest’s song around 20 min is cringe worthy.
Lol right???!!! Terrible song 😂
I think it’s a great song and performance that we’re lucky to be able to even hear.
Worst song ever is a stretch, but this is certainly a bar band level song. Not sure if you guys heard the Andy Dick epeisode… truly rancid sounds and lyrics.
It wasn’t bad at all. It was just someone singing live with guitar accompaniment, can’t expect huge production value.
What’s actually cringe-worthy is how NO ONE IN THE FUCKING STUDIO knows what a gander is. What the FUCK is that?! I thought everyone knew what that saying meant, and certainly what a gander was.
Although I guess the lyrics were whatever.
You get to hear drew drop an uncensored S bomb! That made this one great lol. I always love reading user L’s comments lol. The 1st song definitely sucked but her second song was awesome, the bass line guitar riff and the drums were on point at least to me. I like this episode
Much better episode than I was expecting with an artist I’ve never heard of. I actually liked both songs too.
Sleeper-gem of a show, guest is laid back, chill, easy goin’ ha, and the live studio performance of the “porn song” was awesome.
panaqua is right: the guest’s song is horrendous, worth a listen just for that, and adam’s immediate, insincere comment, “that was GREAT.”
The Music isn’t much better than Andy Dick’s breakdown the week prior. If I was a listener I’d have tuned out. Thankfully here I can just FF or skip.
Drew gets so worked about a guy who is not in denial about his recovery process that he drops an S bomb that makes it out on the air around 28:00
Classic Loveline episode #794 (feat. Leah Andreone):
Good episode. The guest has an interesting voice until she starts singing. Yikes!
Quite easily the worst song I’ve ever heard in my life