Wednesday, July 29th, 1998 - #739

Guest: Riki Rachtman

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.15 (12 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #739 (feat. Riki Rachtman) - 07/29/1998 – Wednesday Night Show
Source – Kevin Tape (2016) with TobyDog Tape (2007) Patches

This is the new Kevin tape with some patches from the previously acquired recordings, Riki is making his first return to LoveLine after his January 1996 departure, Adam, Drew and Riki like it’s 1996 all over again. This episode has been lost for 18+ years, mistakenly fans added no guest episodes to the listing on, the missing 55 minutes of content is now restored and the show is essentially 100% complete. You have not heard this one, you might think you have, but you have not unless you heard it live almost two decades ago.

Recording Info:

Added: 1/16/2023

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (16)

  1. blindaudio

    Yes, this particular episode definitely belongs in the episodes of 1999. One of the guys from the band says he has a 1999 Toyota, and before the limp Bizkit set, Rikki thanks Anderson.

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