Wednesday, April 15th, 1998 - #664
Guest: Shane
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
Adam's dog died today. He took the dog to the vet to be spayed and apparently two of the five compartments of the liver "looked like ground beef". The vet had never seen anything like it. He died on the operating table. Adam and Lynette have been crying all day. Throughout the night, callers offer their condolences to Adam.
Shane from shanesworld.com is in studio. A former porn star, she is now behind the camera directing and producing.
Shane has the little girl voice and giggles after every sentence.
Adam’s dog died today. He took the dog to the vet to be spayed and apparently two of the five compartments of the liver “looked like ground beef”. The vet had never seen anything like it. He died on the operating table. Adam and Lynette have been crying all day. Throughout the night, callers offer their condolences to Adam.
Shane from shanesworld.com is in studio. A former porn star, she is now behind the camera directing and producing.
This era is pretty funny. A lot of “shut Drew’s mic”, Adam awkwardly coming onto guests, etc. This one, Ron Jeremy, Tristan, are all good.
Can’t believe Adam doesn’t know the difference between “spay” and “neuter.” WOW. And he doesn’t know how to maneuver between “spay” and “spayed”?! Come on, Adam. Jesus.
By the way, the dog’s death is a genetic issue. All these inbred “pure” breeds come with terrible diseases and expiration dates hanging over their heads. How long will it take people to understand this? Adam may have paid $800-1,200 for this poor dog, maybe more, when he could have adopted a healthy dog from a shelter (even another fucking “purebred”). It’s so sad that uninformed people keep supporting breeders and puppy mills, paying exorbitant prices for sickly dogs, when there are plenty of healthy dogs longing for homes in kill shelters. 3-4 million dogs and cats are killed in shelters in this country annually. Why on earth do people make these vanity purchases??? If you’re actually an animal lover, you’re not buying your pets. Breeders and puppy mills continually impregnate females until their uterus prolapses and take the pups away before they’re even weaned, as early as 4 weeks old. It’s a sick industry that deals in death of innocents. Every dog bred is another dog dead- another dog gassed to death because you went to PetSmart. Too bad my friend Adam didn’t know that back in the day.
…whoops. Kind of became a bit of a verbose blowhard- oh, wait, chicks can’t be blowhards. Might have just busted through the blowhard glass ceiling there. What I’m trying to say is, sorry for the rant. As if any Carolla fan isn’t used to rants. 🙂
🙁 Lots of sadness in this episode. Adam’s dog Lotsie just died and there’s a broken pornstar, but just on the voice you only hear a broken little girl 🙁
nah but it was actually pretty hilarious after awhile… Maybe I wasn’t expecting jokes? The guest looked hot in that pic but the minute I heard the voice I knew she was trouble… Thanks loveline for giving me tools for life!
To user “L”- your rant may have been a little blowhardy, but hey, why not. Interesting that you noted you are female, though. Kind of reminds me of the time the guy who was having relations with his dog called in. Producer Anne was so infuriated with this caller- I had never heard her in such a state.
Yes, it’s definitely possible to be female and a blowhard. We now have the proof. Actually, we had the proof after your defense of the Worrell Sisters…
‘ah HA HA HAAAaaaaaa!’
Morrell Sisters. I know I know I’m a jackass
L- I completely agree. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure both Adam and Drew still get their dogs from breeders. 🙁
It was funny when Adam asked Shane if her videos were like “the Seymore Butts stuff” and she says “Nooooo, it’s *nothing* like the Seymore Butts stuff.”
Seymore Butts was how she broke into porn and was the boyfriend in the business she mentioned a minute earlier that didn’t work out. (A friend told me this since I don’t watch porn and certainly didn’t in the 90s.)
And her stuff was *exactly* like Seymore Butts. (Um… again, that’s my friend’s opinion.)
I posted too soon. They get into it later, so either they talked about it during the break and/or it was in her bio that Adam eventually read.
A tragic night