Thursday, April 9th, 1998 - #660

Guest: Tristan Taormino

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.84 (27 votes)

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Show Summary:

Promoting Pucker Up

They start talking about some gay guy that yells "Oh Drew." This causes engineer Mike to play the "When I was 14 I tried to be straight, or I thought I should be straight and I was confused..." OOC Drew drop.

Adam tells mike to shut Drew's mic off. He then goes off on female guests being obsessed with Drew lately. Tristan gives her explanation of why the women like him so much. She is not attracted to Adam though.

Adam tells a good version of his Al the Landlord story. The story goes that Al cleared out an apartment and found a box of butt-plugs and gave them to Adam and his buddies. Adam says the box sat in their place for a month and people would come over and pick the things up, not knowing what they were.

When they found out, they'd drop them and run.

Tristan talks about her dad's death from AIDS.

Adam announces he doesn't look gay because of the ay he dresses. Drew suggests he may be compensating. Tristan then says Drew dresses snazzy. This causes Adam to go off on how he hates all the guests liking Drew so much. He requests to have him replaced with a fat doctor.

Coming back from a break, the Blink 182 intro is heard. This is the one where where Mark gets bleeped out four times.

A girl calls in whose boyfriend taped them and then showed his friends.

Adam gets pissed at Drew and Tristan for thinking they're right about their thoughts on a call: Adam: You could have said "I had Ragù and pasta" and you'd be right.

Adam and Tristan have a lengthy discussion about having anal with each other.

There is a hilarious Bobcat Goldthwait intro going into the next segment. It's weird because they were just talking about Bobcat. Apparently so were the people on the AOL Loveline chat room.

Adam and Drew yell at MTV and how they never take their suggestions for guests. Adam calls the people at MTV a-holes and Tristan gets upset for him using a-hole as a derogatory term. One day the show needed a guest so they were forced to have Adam call Bobcat to come in. It ended up being one of their better shows.

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: ?

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (12)

  1. leisuresuitbruce

    Normal Adam Greatness. I’m all about women promoting sex but (and I’m showing my bias here) if the chick does not have that undefinable sexy quality, it just falls flat for me. This chick sounds like Marge from Minnesota. Oh yeah and Drew was on the show too.

  2. SMDB

    startin to get real tired of adam tellin mike to shut drew’s mic off and pissin and whinin about how he’s tired of how everyone is more into drew than himself. anyone know when either adam stops tellin mike to do that or when anderson takes over for mike?

  3. Tom

    Hilarious episode! I’ve never heard Adam so irritated that girls like Drew more than him! Great chemistry with Adam and Tristan.

    Adam: hey, I’m gonna nail you in the ass later, is that alright?
    Tristan: well, I think we should talk about it first.
    Adam: well there you go, I’ve said my piece
    Tristan: you’re one of those really communicative guys
    Adam: out of the way, you’re blocking the set

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