Tuesday, November 4th, 1997 - #548

Guest: Kennedy

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.88 (33 votes)

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Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: JBJ

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (10)

  1. inFRUITthe

    Kennedy reveals she has a republican elephant tat – lameeeeeeeee. Also that she started supporting her family at age 16 – was this for VJ stuff? She says her family was a bunch of coach robbing gypsies. Adam and Drew really love Kennedy. There are some good crazy old commercials sometime in the 40s. Very strange call around the hour mark – a guy sees severed heads floating around him. It’s a shame the episode cut out on the last call – Drew deemed bogus after a few beats and then they went back to him to confirm.

  2. redmegaman

    This episode was referenced a couple of weeks ago on the Adam and Drew show! They played a clip from the show to back up Adams foresight into scientology – what a hipster, he mocked scientology before it was cool

  3. KD24

    I really liked this episode. Adam and Drew reading the scientology apology with porn music in the background was funny, good calls, Adam yells at Drew to ‘shut the eff up’. Too bad it cuts off at the end.

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    Casey, F, 21

    Casey has seen her dad masturbating outside. Kennedy: “I think you’d notice your dad masturbating”.



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