Wednesday, September 24th, 1997 - #519

Guest: Ruth-Ann Boyle & Tim Kellett

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.65 (22 votes)

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Show Summary:

From the band Olive

Adam says band member Tony called the show "saucy." That is allot better than being called dirty, like usual.

Adam was at the dentist the day before. He was using the phone for a personal call and the dentist came in to tell him to shut up for being too loud.

A caller asks Drew what the brain flu is. Drew has no clue what she's talking about.

When a girl says she has two identical sisters, meaning they're triplets, Drew gets a bit freaked out because he thinks of his kids.

Caller Allison says she suffers from multiple personality disorder, a bit of a bizarre call. She's super messed up. Her dad got her pregnant when she was 11 and the kid died at one year old. She was also abused for a few years by her babysitter and her teenage son. She tells them she has 16 different personalities, most with names.

Adam asks everyone to imagine how horrible it would be if he was a woman and complained all the time.

A girl says Adam has issues with his love for breasts.

When caller Guy is on the phone, you can hear the whistle of a train in the background. Adam brings up Don Ho and a drop of him saying mahalo is played several times.

The band talks about not wanting to convert to the Euro for currency.

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: mrobot

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (7)

  1. unclepenny

    The longer ones might have been added more recently, I have to go in and pick which one is the featured recording, must have just forgotten. We can’t go by what the longest length is because a show without commercials could be 2 hours long while one that’s edited is less. I like to leave the unedited versions up, gives people a nostalgia trip, hearing old commercials and whatnot. People who collect airchecks always get pissed when commercials are edited out, thought I’d leave those up for whoever wanted it. The featured recording of each show should be the longest, but also the best sounding show. Eventually everything will be spliced together to make one definitive recording but we’re going to wait for more tapes to come in. I’ll fix this one now…

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    Allison, F, 25

    Diagnosed with multiple personality disorder at 15 yo. Had father's child at 11 which died at 1. Wants to know who to inform about MPD.

    abusive/absent father abusive/absent mother dissociative identity/multiple personality disorder emotional abuse by parent negligence physical abuse by parent pregnancy rape/molestation sexual abuse by parent


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