Monday, June 23rd, 1997 - #452

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.81 (7 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #452 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts)
06/23/1997 – Monday Night Show
Source – XJosh VHS Archive (2024) with Kevin Tape (2014) Patches

This episode is 99% complete, now just missing the final goodbye segment with a medium audio upgrade, Adam and Drew open the show with an update on Adam’s sunburn after spending the previous day at the gay pride parade, this is not his last pride parade btw. Adam shows Drew his burn, in the tradition of his palm surgery, hernia and of course the legendary genital wart exam. This episode is newly restored to the archive, another lost Kevin tape. Adam brings up Producer Ann’s bathtub faucet fondness once again. Ann Mentions Adams girlfriend, Drew complains of the heat and Adam asks for sunburn remedies.

Adam and Drew open the show with an update on Adam's sunburn after spending the previous day at the gay pride parade, this is not his last pride parade btw. Adam shows Drew his burn, in the tradition of his palm surgery, hernia and of course the legendary genital wart exam. This episode is newly restored to the archive, another lost Kevin tape. Adam brings up Producer Ann's bathtub faucet fondness once again. Ann Mentions Adams girlfriend, Drew complains of the heat and Adam asks for sunburn remedies.

Recording Info:

Added: 9/25/2024

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

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