Thursday, June 19th, 1997 - #450
Guest: Tom Arnold
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
CLL #450 (feat. Tom Arnold)
06/19/1997 – Thursday Night Show
Source – XJosh VHS Archive (2024) with Spinfly Tape (2014) Patches
This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Tom Arnold, this is Tom’s 1st in studio appearance, he has at least two call in “phoner” segments previous to this. This episode features the legendary “Hormel Story” as well as the saga of Tom’s meth dealing sister. Tom returns to the show for at least two more appearances, the next known visit isn’t until CLL #1318 from Oct. 17th 2000. His most well-known episode is from August 21st 2002 which features the “Holocaust Call” and is the final time he joined Adam and Drew in studio.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
There are definitely better Tom Arnold shows (Holocaust call night), but still pretty solid.
Wowwwwwwwwww – he revealed that he was molested as a child and went to confront him 4 years prior to this recording. He confronted him at work, stopped his adoption process (apparently the fourth one – yikes) and got his farmhands? to post pictures of him, his contact info, and what he did within a 4 mile radius of his home. Go Tom go! He reveals a lot in LL shows and had a very tough life.
At around 14:50 something there is an eerie foreshadowing of the cause of Adams eventual departure from the show.
either this show is mislabeled or “David Alan Grier, Phoner Tom Arnold 9/4/1997” is mislabeled, because in that show they say that Adam hasn’t done a Loveline show with Tom, and they would remember him.
Our hypothesis is that “David Alan Grier, Phoner Tom Arnold 9/4/1997” originally ran sometime in April of 1997, but we couldn’t put a date on it. The 9/4 date is when that segment was re-run during a Best of Loveline show.
Episode 450 of Classic Loveline: Guest: Tom Arnold
Tom tells the story about being molested by his babysitter and confronting him later starting from 1:09:15. He would tell it again at least once, in the 2002 show. Really appreciate the honesty. Great guest.
Ann must have been out enjoying her birthday because there were so many points where she would have jumped in to interject.