Wednesday, June 18th, 1997 - #449

Guest: Toad the Wet Sprocket

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.62 (22 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #449 (feat. Toad The Wet Sprocket)
06/18/1997 – Wednesday Night Show
Source – XJosh VHS Archive (2024) with Spinfly Tape (2014) Patches

This episode is 99.9% complete with a medium audio upgrade, now just missing a few seconds from Adam's opening intro. Glen and Randy from the band join them in studio and Adam shares his love for the band’s music. Dr. Drew has a reveal about his triplets 1st employment and Adam asks Producer Ann about trying to book John Popper for the show, his appearances would go on to be legendary episodes, just wait! Glen and Randy are solid guests and contribute nicely to the show, a very strong episode.

Recording Info:

Added: 9/23/2024

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (9)

  1. inFRUITthe

    I can’t even place the last time I thought about Toad the Wet Sprocket – they are decent guests but I still can’t remember what their one hit wonder was. They start a tally of people who say they are fans of Adams. They point out that one call praising the band that had no problems but Adam’s fans include a lactater, a premature ejaculator and one who is sexually insatiable. Well played! The craziest part of this show is that Drew has a shocking revelation that his triplets did some commercial work when they were infants. Yikes!

  2. Catchr

    I’ll have to chime in with calling you a moron, they had multiple certifiable hits in the 90s and a following still today, as well as solo and collaboration careers.

    that being said they were good, but I was surprised they weren’t MORE talkative, I thought the topic matter of LL would be right up their alley.

  3. DigiThrust

    To the comments below, Why would anyone get offended that someone thought Toad the wet sprocket was a one hit wonder. The bigger question is why are they even worth talking about , they probably havnt released a track in ten years and if you know that they have you might want to keep that to yourself or go post it on your Justin Bieber fan page because your are a DORK.

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