Monday, June 16th, 1997 - #447
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
CLL #447 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts)
06/16/1997 – Monday Night Show
Source – XJosh VHS Archive (2024) with Kevin Tape (2014) Patches
This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Drew calls Adam a Minotaur during a Hernia discussion, Drew’s niece joins them for the last segment. Caller Dan has a series of Complisults aimed at Adam regarding his appearance on CBS. Another caller asks about Adam’s spec script for ‘Animaniacs’ and Drew gets some mic punching in. This is the new Kevin tape Source that runs 6min longer than the previous fan copy circulated on the internet.
Show contains: Drew's 13 year old niece Bonnie in studio
Later in the week, Toad the Wet Sprocket and Tom Arnold will be in. The topic of men "pruning" is brought up as well as Ray's name. An email to Adam suggests he trim his eyebrows.
Another email asks about a hernia. Adam talks about the hernia he has. Drew calls him a Minotaur. Phone screener Sherri gives the definition of a Minotaur as well as a Centaur.
Drew brought his 13 year-old Bonnie to the studio tonight. He tells Adam to stay away from her.
Caller Maria is 18. She almost gets hung up on for not remembering what age she lost her virginity at. It comes time to gamble on Maria. Adam has a dollar tonight and does not need to borrow one. When Drew explains what's wrong with her, Adam puts her on hold but Drew gets mad at him, later yelling at Maria. Adam calls Drew a choad, awesome. He cuts Drew off and has him calm and they move on.
17 year-old Chad had a party at his house. A couple people used his sister's and the girl bled all over the bed. Adam states no article in a house can suffer more from a party than a comfortable. Adam goes on to yell about waterbed and how horrible they were. Back in Adam's partying days they would always clean up the next morning. The comforter always got the worst of the damage. Drew says waterbeds were marketed to keep people healthy for some reason.
Caller starts off with "I can't believe you get paid the same amount." His reasoning is Drew spits out stuff back from medical school and Adam is improving the whole time. Of course Bryan's question needs import from Drew, who he just insulted. Adam comes in saying "Screw him, I'll take the call." Drew's mic is shut and Adam talks to Bryan. He does a good job, but it's a call about using crank so Drew had to step in and clear things up.
Jessica, 14 called in a while back when Kari Wuhrer was on and criticized Adam of being a racist. She explains herself and Adam gives his "A-hole in the workplace" theory. This is where the cool guy can say whatever he wants and get a laugh while the creepy guy says something as simple as an innocent compliment freaks people out.
Drew punches the mic half and hour into the show.
17 year-old Dan says he saw Adam on CBS. Dan has uptight parents and doesn't go out a whole lot. He is worried about rebelling like crazy once he gets out of the house. Drew says most people who do those kinds of impulsive things aren't worried about it.
A caller brings up Adam wrote a couple things for the Animaniacs. One was based on a monologue he did at the ACME Comedy Club years back. He was a little league coach who got out of control when a kid wouldn't look at him for the sign.
Adam, Drew and Ann talk share their feelings on The Real World and Road Rules.
15 year-old Eve feels compelled to give guys favors for giving her drugs. They gamble on here and Drew cleans up with the dollar Adam won earlier in the night.
Adam goes off on his old geezer neighbor. He says older people want to be left alone while younger people try to connect with people.
Adam plans on yelling, "Quit whacking off!" every time he walks by his son's room to prevent him from doing it in the house. He suggests Drew do the same.
The liner from the Sneaker Pimps is played. Instead of the regular "Caroller" pronunciation, she says "Carella."
16 year-old Erin asks about her boyfriend "exploding," insider of her. She goes on to inquire about "butt beads." Adam bans her from being able to have sex.
It's revealed that Drew's niece is from Susan's side of the family. She is put on air and talks about her parent's divorce. Adam explains to her it is okay to be attracted to a distinguished older gentleman such as himself.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
some people should never be allowed to reproduce……….EVER!!!!!!! LOL
Wow, I thought Adam was being sort of inappropriate with Drew’s niece there in the last segment. She’s thirteen and well-composed compared to most of the callers, but she’s still seems so young and innocent for thirteen. I almost cringed listening to some of those things he was saying.
Dan calls in at 27 minutes and compliments Adam, but also manages to insult him 3 times in as many seconds.
Dan: “Adam I saw your CBS show. I was the only one in the room who knew who you were..but.
Adam: “Did you see that expensive suit I was wearing?”
Dan: “Oh, that was expensive?”
Adam: “Well they told me it was, I wanted to take it home.”
Dan: “Oh…well I was paying more attention to the dog. Anyways my problem is….”
A girl calls in who has only had sex 2 times but she’s given 7 blowjobs to guys she smokes weed with because they don’t make her pay.
Adam: “So Eve doesn’t have sex with these guys but she feels compelled to blow them because they give her a joint. Where the hell where these people when I was in high school? I couldn’t get a handjob with a kilo.”
Bonnie, Drew’s 13 yr old niece in studio, Adam invites her up to the mic in last 10 minutes, funniest part of show HAHA
Episode 447 of Classic Loveline: Guest: Dr. Drew’s niece Bonnie
Janie at around 35:00 is one of the most delusional women to ever call the show. Doesn’t like the fact that her ex-husband has moved on, can’t be honest about her feelings and has to couch it in “warning him about AIDS.” “I know for a fact she has diseases.” “What diseases?” “Well, she gets around.” “How do you know that?” “I just know.”
At the end of the call she lets it slip that her ex is cheating on the new girlfriend with her. She views herself as the victim in the situation and wants to “get tested.”
New .mp3!
XJosh VHS Collection (2024) Tape 7, Episode 3 – Audio Upgrade