Tuesday, June 3rd, 1997 - #438
Guest: Kennedy
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
CLL #438 (feat. Kennedy)
06/03/1997 – Tuesday Night Show
Source – XJosh VHS Archive Collection (2024) with a Spinfly Tape (2010) Patch
This episode is 99.9% complete with a medium audio upgrade, just missing a few words from Adam at the top of the show. Kennedy is making her second appearance of the Adam era, her third known appearance on LoveLine after having appeared in 1992 along with the band 'Dogstar.' Adam tells the story of installing a closet in the wrong house.
Installing closet in the wrong house story
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
One of my favorite stories. I dont know why.
Drew: “You were a little clingy weren’t you Adam?”
Adam: “I don’t know if I’d call it clingy…. But i’d get drunk and barge into the house demanding to get my softball mitt back a year after the relationship had ended with tears pouring down my face only to find an expired condom under the bed…”
I’ve always liked Kennedy, she’s a good guest
Kennedy sings beautifully in this show
XJosh VHS Collection (2024) Tape 4, Episode 3