Wednesday, May 28th, 1997 - #434
Guest: Tyra Banks
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
CLL #434 (feat. Tyra Banks)
05/28/1997 – Wednesday Night Show
Source – XJosh VHS Collection (2024) with Spinfly Tape (2012) Patches
This episode is 100% complete with a Major audio upgrade, Tyra is making her first of two attempted appearances on LoveLine, though this cameo is brief it is indeed legendary.
Tyra Banks is sick. She says hello then has to leave.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
This is marked as “no guest” but I think it would be better as Tyra Banks. She was here for the first 10 minutes.
Tyra Banks is in the studio but is sick with food poisoning. Drew checked her out before the show and confirmed it, and also phoned the pharmacy to get her some medicine. Adam and Drew are completely amazed that she came into the show even knowing that she was sick, because most guests just get their agent to call up and cancel. They give her the go-ahead to leave.
Adam talks about how you can never tell when attractive women are sick because they still look beautiful, but when fat people are sick and really skinny people are sick, they just look really bad.
A guy calls up who does puppet shows in the back of his van, Adam and Drew think he’s the mason jar caller but he denies it. It’s never revealed and Adam hangs up on him after he refuses to do his puppet voices live on air. Likely a bogus call in any case.
The caller is revealed who gave Adam and Drew the nice leather chairs for the studio – Julie Kaminski from Kentwood Office Furniture in Itasca, IL. She is brought up because Adam and Drew want to do some caller betting but have no money. Apparently she provided chips (made out of chocolate, “like those pirate coins you get as a kid” according to Drew) for Adam and Drew to bet with, so they get Mike to bring them into the studio.
I am shocked that even vintage Tyra went anywhere when she wasn’t able to “smeyz” at peak performance. She didn’t sound as heinous back in the day. The best part of the show is the end where they keep asking this rambling guy questions and then muting him. I love it when they do this and have never heard them do it with a dude – it’s usually spacey chicks.
Ah, the first episode I ever heard. There’s a rant about people stopping on train tracks, or rather, the ads trying to stop people from stopping on the train tracks. Then there’s the rant about best friends and how people always pick their best friend from High School as their best man instead of the guy from work that they see every day. Also there is a caller who was molested by a geriatric. They bet on her. She doesn’t understand the “oral” in “oral sex”. “He’s got one foot in the grave and one hand on your crotch.”
Great great show… The muted rambling guy at tge end was so funny and that music made seem it seem surreal in a way… Last few shows have been especially sweet
Adam implies in one call (tagged in the call bank) that he was circumcised later in life, saying that he’s “been to the mountain and looked at his foreskin and come back down to the village”. Is there more info on that? Did he decide to have this done once he had money…?
@blorgus, I heard him say the same thing in an episode I listened to recently, probably from 2001 or maybe 2002. But in one of the Rabbi Shmuley episodes, 2000 or 2001, he says explicitly that he is un-circumcised. It’s a mystery.
Hmmm…I remember there was a fad where people were having “foreskin rejuvenation surgeries”, maybe that’s it. Although Adam’s parents seem to lazy/new-agey to ever get him circumcised in the first place.
As I recall, Adam had to have the surgery later in life due to a health reason. I can’t remember where I heard that though. I’m 99% sure it was Loveline.
Take a listen to the 1998-06-02, JBJ labeled the tape “No Guest – Circumcision Night” I honestly didn’t know what to expect before the cassette was transferred but that show should have the story you’re thinking of…
@blorgus Listen to the 2000-11-21 show at 17m 06s. Adam explains the evolution of his foreskin.
Too bad, Tyra seemed like she would’ve been a great guest
@Ironblood indeed she is! She comes back on 04-16-1998 and is an excellent guess (who has a crush on Drew). Give it a listen.
The first time I remember Adam actually muting a caller… Then ridiculing them without their knowledge.
Ed, 23, at 17:22 is 110% Tucson Thomas, the original
Mason Jar caller. See my comments from the past few months – Ed is a name he’s used before and the subject (puppet shows using helium from the back of his dualie truck) is laughable. Drew has him pegged immediately. One of the rare times he doesn’t get on at the top of the show. I’m convinced Drew knows his calls just from the subject and picks them to expose him.
XJosh VHS Collection (2024) Tape 3, Episode 2