Wednesday, May 21st, 1997 - #429

Guest: Margaret Cho

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

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Show Summary:

CLL #429 (feat. Margaret Cho)
05/21/1997 – Wednesday Night Show
Source – XJosh VHS Collection (2024) with Spinfly Tape (2011) Patches

This episode is 100% complete with a Major audio upgrade, this is Margaret's only appearance during the Adam era. She was previously on the show before Adam began cohosting and returned to the show twice in 2008. With some off air drama possibly preventing her from a return booking while Adam was still on staff.

Adam starts talking to Margaret about her comedy career. Apparently she was a Loveline guest many years back.

When describing who Margaret is, Adam screws up the nationality so he just calls her Asian.

Margaret makes a reference to the band the Sneaker Pimps. They were last night's guest. Band member Liam walked out last night, possibly with Adam's Crown Royal sack. Partway through the show after Liam had a lot to drink, he got in an argument with Drew. During a commercial break, band member Chris yelled at Liam and he stormed out of the studio. They don't know what happened to him; hopefully he got back to the hotel. Adam and Drew actually looked for him after the show but had no luck. Engineer Mike recorded the argument they had during the commercial break and will be played later in the show.

Margaret plugs her upcoming movie

24 year-old Steve washes dishes and wants to know if he can get AIDS through the cracked skin on his fingers.

Margaret says some stores are selling finger dams, practically a rubber glove but just the finger tips.

Engineer Mike fires up the off-air argument the band had during the commercial. They get dumped about a dozen times. You can hear Adam's nasally drone in the background saying things such as "Alright, come on, enjoy"¦"

Margaret compares Adam's voice to pajama bottoms. ???

19 year-old caller Jay is thinking about getting a tattoo. He says he heard foreign (such as Asian) inks can transmit diseases, no offence to Margaret. They tell him to go to a reparable parlor.

Drew does a good job selling a call.

Engineer Mike plays a bit more of Adam trying to calm the band down coming back from the break. Adam pictures what kind of a hostage negotiator he would make.

When it comes time to gamble, Margaret brings up the issue of legality. Adam says he thumbs his nose at the state of California, bringing up the lottery being legal. When he becomes governor, Adam says he will not allow people in slippers or who need dental work to buy lottery tickets. During the gambling, Margaret talks about the abuse she has been through years back.

19 year-old Sophia has an interesting call. Sophia and her husband have sex in their sleep. She can be awake but her husband is completely asleep the entire time. Margaret says she enjoys this very much. Sophia has an IUD. Drew immediately interrogates her to find out how she got one at such a young age. Sophia says she has had three abortions and her doctor said that was a good enough reason.

Adam says Tom Arnold, Stephen Baldwin and Tyra Banks will all be upcoming guests on the show.

Adam talks about the disgruntled worker who took a dump in his bathtub. Margaret is disgusted. Adam suspects the guy to be a tool thief as well. Margaret laughs like crazy after a Bill Nye the Science Guy reference.

Margaret's relationship with her parents is a bit awkward because they never did anything to prosecute her abuser. She talks about the culture and how they may feel guilty for not doing anything.

Margaret's mother had no idea Margaret was into comedy until she saw her on television. She has yet to come see a performance of hers. Adam immediately feels a bond between both their parents not taking interest in their successful careers.

Adam starts to explain energy in young males coming out in the wrong way but has to yell at Drew for having a puss on.

20 year-old Sam gets put on hold for taking a long time to get to the phone. Adam asks all future listeners to be more prepared. When they go back to caller Sam, there's a different voice on the line. After much confusion, he confesses he is an idiot, a boy scout, and his brother got put in jail for drugs. He was a "special" student, but did not feel like he was, had a horrible family life. He sees no problem with hitting due to his parents smacking him around.

Adam says his dad would hit him if he wasn't so lazy.

These old shows have a lot of cool station liners. Semi-Charmed Kind of Life is used as the bumper as Engineer Mike plays Adam's negotiating techniques again.

When they discuss how young Margaret was when she started, Adam says Bobcat Golthwait probably had a mic in her mother's womb. He called Adam a few days ago and will be on the show.

Drew's response: This show?
Adam: yeah this show, what'd you think I was talking about the Riverdance???

Bobcat is a voiceover for the new Hercules movie. This is where he asks him to bring stuff in for his kids.

Since Bobcat has been brought up, they play "Guess Bobcat's Age," for the rest of the show.

Caller Carla has a problem will severe endometriosis that's been around since she was 17. She is now 22. Drew gets a bit pissed off when she doesn't cooperate with her doctors and is trying to use aroma therapy. Adam pulls all of her past problems out, even an eating disorder. She doesn't even want to listen to Drew, that's how much she dislikes doctors.

Adam makes a "REDRUM" reference that goes right over Drew's head.

Caller Robert says he thinks Bobcat is 43 years old. He has a creepy, creepy call. He had his girlfriend prick herself, put her blood on a doll's head and gave it back to Robert to lick the blood off. This all took place on a school bus. He got suspended for having a scalpel and endangering others. The girlfriend's dad is in jail for burning down a house that had an old lady inside.

Margaret talks to Adam about braiding his ass-hair and laughs manically.

Another guess to Bobcats age is 46.

Bobcat's liner is played, and Adam does some quick math and figures 44 ¾ is the average guessed age of Bobcat according to this show.

(by Unclepenny)

Recording Info:

Added: 1/14/2024

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

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