Tuesday, May 20th, 1997 - #428

Guest: Sneaker Pimps

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.79 (7 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #428 (feat. Sneaker Pimps)
05/20/1997 – Tuesday Night Show
Source – XJosh VHS Collection (2024) with Spinfly Tape (2011) Patches

This episode is 99.9% complete with a Major audio upgrade, this is the one and only Sneaker Pimps episode with the band in studio, well mostly for the entire show. This episode was missing for over 13+ years and now has finally been upgraded form the best fan sourced cassette recording to the best fan sourced VHS audio recording.

Recording Info:

Added: 1/14/2024

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (5)

  1. proudcdnguy

    Another one of these infamous UK bands which gives Dr. Drew a tough time due to their idealistic points of view. Dr. Drew and Liam argue about the definition of addiction. It turns out that Liam leaves the studio before the end of the show.

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