tdigan89 replied to the topic Adam laughing so hard that they went to commercial in the forum Help Me Find… 5 years, 8 months ago
Thanks a lot Giovanni. That one is obviously a classic and it may, in fact, be what I was thinking of. I am going to start going through ’96-’00 while at work for awhile because my gut is still telling me I’m thinking of a different ep. I’ll report back if I find it. If I don’t then it was surely your suggestion. Adam’s dying laughing the whole…[Read more]
tdigan89 started the topic Adam laughing so hard that they went to commercial in the forum Help Me Find… 5 years, 9 months ago
I’m almost positive there was no guest. Something happened or someone said asomething and Adam was sincerely laughing very hard and couldn’t pull it together. They basically just went to commercial because he was laughing really hard. I know it was before 2003, and I believe it was in the 90s, so in the beginning of Adam’s loveline tenure.…[Read more]
tdigan89 became a registered member 6 years, 9 months ago