rlfstr replied to the topic Episode where the caller has never masturbated… in the forum Help Me Find… 8 years, 7 months ago
The one with David Arquette from 2002 starting at about 27 mins!
rlfstr replied to the topic Dr. Drew Resigns in the forum General Talk About Loveline 8 years, 7 months ago
Really haven’t been listening to shows post Adam-era but I’ve been following what’s going on with the show and once Mike left I could kinda tell it was gonna be the end for Loveline.
Luckily I managed to call in from Europe in January and speak with Drew! It was surreal since I listen to him and Adam for hours every day. -
rlfstr replied to the topic Adam's stripper ex g-friend in the forum Help Me Find… 9 years, 3 months ago
It’s the episode with Maggie Grace & Ian Somerhalder from 2005:
http://www.lovelinetapes.com/shows/?id=1516&h=YTc1Mjg0ZWIFrom 0:57:35.
proudcdnguy replied to the topic drops? in the forum General Talk About Loveline 9 years, 8 months ago
I was just listening to the most recent Classic Loveline episode released at Podcastone (#500 August 28, 1997 – Fiona Apple and L7 – Best of) and happen to hear the original Dr. Drew Boogie with the “She drinks until…” drop at the beginning. You can find it at the 46:58 mark.
proudcdnguy replied to the topic drops? in the forum General Talk About Loveline 9 years, 8 months ago
Hello again!
Check out the dolland.net archive where you can find most of them: https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.dolland.net/loveline/sound/drops/*
The Drew Boogie should be relatively simple to find with our friend Google.
proudcdnguy replied to the topic gay test in the forum Help Me Find… 9 years, 8 months ago
Hey there!
Yes, Adam came up with a questionnaire he called the “Gay aptitude test” or simply the “GAT”. It was meant to provide you with a final “score” as to how gay one is according to Adam’s own criteria.
You can find a couple of instances of the GAT here in this YouTube video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TiDjiwdATXk
The person who…[Read more]
proudcdnguy started the topic March 9, 1997 (episode 376 of the Carolla era) not listed in the forum Housekeeping 10 years, 4 months ago
The March 9, 1997 (episode 376 of the Carolla era; Kari Whurer was scheduled to be a guest on this episode but didn’t show up) is missing from the 1997 show list.
proudcdnguy started the topic February 27, 1996 (episode 108 of Carolla era) not listed in the forum Housekeeping 10 years, 4 months ago
The February 27, 1996 episode with guest Warren Cuccurullo is not included on the list of 1996 episodes. It has been released as an episode of Classic Loveline via PodcastOne. Could this be added?
Landlubber replied to the topic Loveline's prime? in the forum General Talk About Loveline 10 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, I don’t really take any stock in the ratings. It’s so subjective and impossible to rate this much content with a 1-5 star scale. Narrowing it down to that bleeds any and all nuance from each show. That’s why I started commenting on episodes in the first place. It’s not to let others know about a particular show, in truth, but to leave a…[Read more]
unclepenny replied to the topic Adam Wasted? in the forum Help Me Find… 11 years, 3 months ago
If it was pre-2000 we aren’t going to have it. There is the pot brownie night where the LAPD gives him a sobriety test and a night he was loaded on painkillers. Other than that I can think of 2001-03-21 and 2003-01-29. Don’t remember one where Drew busts Adam’s balls about it though. Should be in the official archive to be released one day if it…[Read more]
unclepenny replied to the topic Adam Wasted? in the forum Help Me Find… 11 years, 3 months ago
unclepenny replied to the topic Adam's first show? in the forum Help Me Find… 11 years, 3 months ago
We have a couple from his first week, I know a guy that has a tape of him in character as Mr. Birchum, still waiting on that. Adam on Loveline was the first week of October 1995, Birchum would have been a few weeks earlier as far as I know.
unclepenny replied to the topic Best Episode to Introduce Someone to Classic Loveline? in the forum General Talk About Loveline 11 years, 3 months ago
Not my work but someone posted a compilation CD of clips a couple years ago to get friends into the show:
unclepenny replied to the topic I have Bipolar disorder…It is normal to have very little… in the forum Get Some Advice 12 years, 8 months ago
You should call into the current show, might be an interesting conversation to have with Dr. Drew.
unclepenny replied to the topic The Suzanne Vega/Adam Tom's diner short tune cut should be… in the forum Housekeeping 13 years, 7 months ago
I also have a 47 minute version of this show recorded off KNRK, not sure why it isn’t on here. I’ll upload it later tonight and correct that Kennedy show also.