pants678 started the topic "it's like killing people" in the forum Help Me Find… 1 year, 3 months ago
I believe Adam uses this to explain something gets easier the more you do, the first is always the most difficult.
pants678 replied to the topic Adam climbs in a laundromat dryer in the forum Help Me Find… 1 year, 3 months ago
@sodapunk I’m sure you’ve already found it but, if not, 2003-01-05 around 1hr 2min
pants678's profile was updated 1 year, 8 months ago
pants678 started the topic rapid fire call bit in the forum Help Me Find… 3 years, 10 months ago
I wish I could give a rough idea of when the show took place. Toward the end, Adam starts picking up calls, gives them about a sentence to ask their question and shouts a one word answer. What I remember is Adam declaring the last one, “BORING– oh wait, did she say, ‘Eating me out?'”
And apologies if someone’s made this same request before.