Mattyboy started the topic A Real Sir Walter Raleigh… in the forum Help Me Find… 9 years ago
I’m looking for an episode that was once featured on an old G.I.O Podcast. Adam makes fun of one of the callers — for a reason I can’t remember — and says (paraphrasing), “this guy is a real Sir Walter Raleigh. He’s the kind of guy who will lay his coat over your stomach before he blows his load.”
That was one of the funniest lines I’d ever…[Read more]
Mattyboy replied to the topic Bogus Caller Miriam? in the forum General Talk About Loveline 9 years, 5 months ago
I would love to hear from Miriam again. The girl who was supposed to give Adam a ride to the airport allegedly called into Kevin and Bean last week, so who knows. Maybe we will hear from her again some day
Mattyboy replied to the topic Not clear about Riki Rachtman's departure in the forum General Talk About Loveline 9 years, 10 months ago
What I want to know is how Adam was introduced on the show. Gio has mentioned that there are tapes of Adam guesting on the show as Birchum. I’m guessing that’s how Drew got acquainted with Adam and sussed him out as a potential co host for the television show. I just want to know how Adam was introduced on the show as himself. Did they make some…[Read more]