dcalive started the topic Adam teases kid about length but works in flacid in the forum Help Me Find… 2 years, 11 months ago
A kid calls in and asks if 6 inches or something is normal and Adam says yea… flacid. The kid goes No way! and then they have a really funny call about it.
dcalive started the topic Best Episode to Introduce Someone to Classic Loveline? in the forum General Talk About Loveline 11 years, 6 months ago
I’m going to be taking a nice 3 hour drive to the beach with some friends today. I love Loveline, you love Loveline, what episode should I play to get them to love it too?
I was thinking about the one when Adam describes how he will become Mr. X to impress the Bachelorette. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated. What has the most crowd…[Read more]