Broham started the topic Can anyone tell me what this song is? in the forum Help Me Find… 8 years, 2 months ago
On this episode:
http://www.lovelinetapes.com/shows/?id=217&h=YTUyN2VjZjAat 0:36:13 it plays the intro to a song that I recognize from my youth, but can’t for the life of me remember the name of or who sang it. Can anyone point me in the right direction
Broham replied to the topic Server maintenance? in the forum Site Issues 11 years ago
There appears to be an javascript error when loading the rating plugin. Perhaps this is causing other JS down the line not to load?
For those of you that are tech savy and can’t wait – you can still listen to episodes by taking the following steps:
1) Go to episode you want to listen to
2) View source
3) Search for “.mp3”
4) Paste this URL…[
Broham started the topic Looking for episode… in the forum Help Me Find… 11 years, 1 month ago
…where a woman calls up and describes a situation where her boyfriend cheated on her, so she had a threesome with a stripper and her boyfriend in a mis-guided attempt to keep her boyfriend faithful.
Adam breaks in with something along the lines of:
Adam Imitating Girlfriend: “So you think you can cheat on me huh…. TINA!!! Get over here and…[Read more]
Broham replied to the topic player shuts off in the forum Site Issues 11 years, 1 month ago
I’m having the same issue. It used to just happen once per show, but now it happens every two minutes or so. Any solutions?
Broham started the topic Adam's first show? in the forum Help Me Find… 11 years, 6 months ago
Wondering if anyone knows when Adam’s first show was?