bobohoho444 started the topic notification problems plz help me dude thanks in the forum Site Issues 8 years ago
two questions and im sorry if they are stupid cuz im a little stoned man thanks dude
1) i want to be notified when a new loveline show or clip is posted. i keep checking that option in my notification settings but when i go back to verify that it is checked, it is UNCHECKED!! man this bums me out man for real
2) is there a way to find out which…[Read more]
bobohoho444 replied to the topic Most Shows Won’t Download 1st Time in the forum Site Issues 8 years, 11 months ago
fyi things working a lot better today…still don’t know if it was my computer, the site, or a combination of the two! thanks
bobohoho444 replied to the topic Most Shows Won’t Download 1st Time in the forum Site Issues 8 years, 11 months ago
ok i think this link will work
this is what usually happens when i click on the download mp3 link for an individual show.
also fyi I’m using a macbook pro, 10.10.4, safari but i have used a bunch of other browsers too with the same problem 🙂
bobohoho444 started the topic Most Shows Won’t Download 1st Time in the forum Site Issues 8 years, 11 months ago
Usually what happens is this – I click on the download link for an individual show and then up at the top of my browser in the address field, it switches from lovelinetapes.com to some weird ip address stuff and either the screen goes blank or there is total craziness. I have tried different browsers. I have also made sure I have the most recent…[Read more]