Woman strips outside boyfriends cell window

Topic Woman strips outside boyfriends cell window

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  • #10239 Score: 0

    I’m trying to find the episode where a woman called in saying that she danced and stripped outside of the prison her boyfriend was in. Apparently she found a place where he could look out his cell window and watch her, and he started inviting other inmates to watch. It leads into a classic Adam rant about the stupidity of the callers and people in general. I don’t have much else to go on but if anyone could find this i’d be very grateful, it’s hilarious.

    #11775 Score: 0
    5 pts

    I’m not certain but try the 2002 Alanis Morissette episode.

    #11776 Score: 0
    5 pts

    Found it. 6/3/2001 (Tina Topic) at about 53m.

    #11778 Score: 0
    5 pts

    You flatter me. I was listening to 2001 shows, heard that call and remembered reading this post. Just good timing.

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