Who would have thought, the same great, entertaining, uplifting, educational show I could always count on since childhood to cheer me up and help me drift off to sleep turned out to be there for me in even more ways as an adult,
-Intense depression
-3 long but successful stints in rehab
From the bottom of my heart thank you to everyone who created, maintain, and contribute to lovelinetapes.com, and to all loveline fans for giving it a reason to exist. Its more than just a great pastime. Sometimes when I literally had nothing else but the cot I slept in and luckily a phone with internet in rehab, loveline was there. It got me through intense drug withdrawals and the hardest days when I just thought “ok if I can just make it through the day at least I get to listen to loveline tonight” and I’d sneak the phone under my pillow and fall asleep so well, forgetting about all those downers I thought I needed. Life is infinitely better now but loveline remains a part of my life, as the best and most entertaining sleeping pill. I’m eternally grateful.
This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by