Solo Drew Shows

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  • #34423 Score: 0
    1 pt

    I’m listening to one of the Drew-only shows (Adam on vacation or something) and I’m struck by how much I want to kill myself.

    It occurs to me that Loveline worked so well because of the pairing of Adam and Drew. I’m not really a fan of Adam’s podcast and listening to this old ep that’s just Drew is annoying. The two of them together is where it’s at and their chemistry is really what made the show work.

    In this show, Drew is showing why people hate doctors so much. A lot of the time he’s not really listening to the callers’ questions and just going off on whatever. This one kid called up and it basically went like this:

    “Hey Dr. Drew, I’m 15 and I just moved to a new place and there’s not much to do here so I’ve been drinking a lot, like even before school and stuff, and-”
    “My God, that’s a lot, that’s almost textbook alcoholism, especially at your age, you need to work on that. That’s my opinion and advice, you can take it or leave it. Anyway, let’s move on to Bob from Chicago.”

    I get that a 15 year old drinking a lot is cause for concern… but the kid never got a chance to ask his question. Granted, Drew might have the call in front of him that says something like “15 year old wants to know if he drinks too much” but he doesn’t get a chance to ask it. Maybe his question was about depression or something. I mean, it seems like a lot more going on there. 15 year old just moved and started drinking. Why’d he move? Why’s he drinking? What’s the problem stem from, etc…

    And that’s just one call. He does a lot of this to the callers and it’s making me hate Drew lol (not really). Do they actually teach doctors to ignore their patients? Because he’s got a lot of that “I’m a doctor, I know more, shut up and listen to me, okay, got it? Great. Bye”

    The show works because they’re both there and bounce off each other. Funny thing is, he’s usually the guy who says “Wait, let’s explore more” when Adam’s tired of a caller and wants to move on.

    #34424 Score: 0
    1 pt

    Also, Drew does this a lot and it drives me crazy…

    A caller will call up and try to describe something (granted, some of them are really bad a describing things) and Drew acts like he can’t figure out what people are talking about.

    It’s like…. Drew’s a doctor and is so used to talking about things in doctor terms that he can’t figure out someone might be talking about “herpes” when they say “I have bumps on my penis” because a doctor would describe it differently.

    That’s a bad example, but has anyone else noticed this? Adam is far better at translating what the callers are really asking. Another reason the show works best with the two of them there.

    #34528 Score: 0
    5 pts

    I also thought any solo show from either Adam or Drew was nothing short of disaster. I personally didn’t care for any of Adam’s subs. As to Drew’s subs, I always liked Dr. Bruce. Dr. Marcel was okay, I wouldn’t want to listen to him every night, though.

    #34604 Score: 0
    1 pt

    I like Dr. Bruce.

    Listening to another show tonight – September 9th, 2003. Drew’s alone for the first segment and it’s more of the same stuff.

    A guy calls up saying he feels guilty because his girlfriend had an abortion and he’s not dealing with it well. For some reason Drew (who actually isn’t a fan of abortion as far as I can recall) can’t fathom why the guy could possibly be feeling guilty about his girlfriend having an abortion. He basically tells the kid to get his shit together and get over it.

    I mean, whatever your thoughts are on abortion, I don’t think someone feeling guilty or emotional over it is such a foreign concept that it’s that difficult to understand.

    I hate doctors. I love Drew but man he is insufferable alone.

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