No Need To Complain about non LoveLine Material in files on the site

Topic No Need To Complain about non LoveLine Material in files on the site

Home Community General Talk About Loveline No Need To Complain about non LoveLine Material in files on the site

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  • #45263 Score: 1
    10 pts

    Many files have been added to LoveLineTapes that originally aired in the PodcastOne feed for Classic LoveLine in 2013 through 2016, I have not yet been able to completely remaster and re-release all of the files without the extra content, ads, intros, music etc. I had to host those files for free in exchange for the show getting released, I did 3 years of free work concurrently to my almost 25 years of archiving LoveLine. There are other files pulled from my G.I.O. Podcast which I graciously transformed into Classic LoveLine when they shut the podcast down due to that other guy who stole the shows and put them on youtube.

    These files are here temporarily and were put here by other fans, I will replace them all eventually, I am working on it, for real, simultaneously finishing 2003-2005 while redoing 1997-2000 here.

    Please be patient, any comments, especially mean spirited ones aimed at me by ignorant commenters only slow down my process and will only harm the progress of completing the work for this website.

    Nobody needs to be alerted which files have extra content, I know, I am working on it, please!

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