Just discovered Loveline and this site and am enjoying it immensely

Topic Just discovered Loveline and this site and am enjoying it immensely

Home Community Kudos Just discovered Loveline and this site and am enjoying it immensely

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  • #42638 Score: 1
    3 pts

    I’m experiencing the kind of genuine enjoyment from listening to Loveline that I haven’t had with any modern show or podcast. The atmosphere of it is candid, relaxed, and free of the politicization that pervades EVERYTHING today. I had no idea there was a show where celebrity guests would give wise counsel to, and/or hilariously insult whacked-out callers on all sorts of topics.

    This site is great and I hope it isn’t burning too big a hole in the administrator’s wallet. Thank you for this site.

    This post has received 1 vote up.
    #43037 Score: 0
    2 pts

    It is a pretty interesting time capsule. Curious how old you were (if at all) when it was originally on??

    #43082 Score: 0
    3 pts

    I was born in 1997, so the Adam Carolla era ended when I was eight years old. This is a very cliche thing to say, but I would have liked to be born earlier.

    #43194 Score: 0
    2 pts

    Ha… that’s funny. You didn’t miss too much. 😂

    #43216 Score: 0
    3 pts

    Haha, that’s good to know.

    #44077 Score: 0

    Glad to read that you’re enjoying it. I was born in 1990 and only caught 2004 and 2005 of Ace live. This site gave me roughly 2000 shows I had never heard before with he and Drew. I recently just finished Adam’s entire run, took about 3 years listening at work all shift. It was a wild ride.

    #44267 Score: 0
    3 pts

    Glad to hear it man. It’s the perfect thing to listen to during any menial work.

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