In 2009, unclepenny stumbled onto a page on my personal website which described how I was a Loveline fan and had some video footage from a documentary shoot in college. After I told him that I also had a box full of Loveline recordings from the 90’s, he excitedly asked me to share them and introduced me to Giovanni. It was at this point that I became aware of the relative rarity and demand for these recorded shows.
For a number of years, I had been kicking around the idea of making a site to share all of these old recordings with the world. After learning about the community out there and how difficult it was to share these recordings, I decided that this was the time to do it.
I told unclepenny and Giovanni that I would send in my box of tapes under three conditions:
a) they digitize all of my recordings and send them back to me,
b) they send me ALL OTHER digital recordings they had ever collected, and
c) they help me build a site.
They agreed, and I got to work. It took a lot of time getting functional site up and running, and even more time warding off hackers who suck all the bandwidth (I pay for all this out of my own pocket), but I think we’re in a pretty good place now. The site currently has about 13,000 unique visitors a month.
There have been a few enhancements over the years, but my day job and freelance work have made difficult for me to devote as much time to the site that I would like. A special apology goes out to davevsdave, who has spent a lot of time putting together a new design for the site that I have just not had a chance to put out there. It’s coming…