Have a digital 1998/1999 recording, where to send?

Topic Have a digital 1998/1999 recording, where to send?

Home Community Housekeeping Have a digital 1998/1999 recording, where to send?

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    Hello friends, I have a recording from 1998/1999 that I just transferred to digital. Guest is Debby Harry. There is already a file in the lovelinetapes.com archives of this show, BUT it cuts off early (Adam throws to break and the file ends). My file does have the end of the show, but is missing the beginning of the show; between my file and the one on the site already, we have the entire show, with some overlap. My file starts at about 24min of the file already on the site. My file was recorded from 99.1FM in Baltimore, MD, the late, great WHFS (RIP). Commercials are still included.

    Anyway, I would love to contribute this to the greater good. What’s the best way to do so? Hit me back here of at shakrat[at]gmail[dot]com .

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