Another heartfelt thanks

Topic Another heartfelt thanks

Home Community Kudos Another heartfelt thanks

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    I started listening regularly to loveline in 1998 when I had a midnight job making bagels after high school coming out of a screwed up family system. Over the course of 7 years listening to loveline helped me start to see these dysfunctional parts of myself better. I started recording the show in 2001 when MP3 players with line-in ports started to become affordable. I started sharing them after adam left on DC++ with other LL fans and ended up with the usual library before the tapes started to became available.

    Since then I had both hardrives that I had the episodes archived on failed and I am SO grateful that out of your own time and money have seen fit to keep this small but important piece of radio history archived. It is so important and meaningful to me that you’ve kept this site up and I can’t thank you enough, this is especially true now that classic loveline is on indefinite hiatus.

    I couldn’t imagine this when I was listening to the show 16 years ago, but I don’t think there will ever be a time in my life when I stop listening to these old episodes. Even with the explosion of podcasting in the last 5 years.

    Again thank you,


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