Analysis of "little girl voice" calls

Topic Analysis of "little girl voice" calls

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  • #33907 Score: 1
    2 pts

    Hi folks – I’m working on a statistical analysis of callers that the boys identify as having the “little girl voice” and would love ideas from anyone. Presently, I’m wondering about the callers’ rate of early trauma (as reported in the call), and if the boys’ predictions about age at trauma are accurate.

    Obviously, there are tons of things that aren’t being controlled in this kind of study, but it might be of some interest since there is no literature I find on the topic (as of Dec 15, 2017). I’m using CMUsphinx for phrase recognition on a 28 call burn sample for now, but I’ll analyze the full set once the details of the analysis are in place.

    Specific things to measure would be really helpful!

    This post has received 1 vote up.
    #33917 Score: 1
    2 pts

    Thanks spinfly! That’s very helpful – I made my test/burn sample based on an archive search which missed a lot of these shows.

    The speech recognition tuning is going well, and these shows will help. Currently ~95% sensitivity and acceptable false positives. Based on the percentage of tags to show time, I think there are well over 100 calls to be found.

    I should also ask spinfly the other admins about bandwidth limitations. I don’t want to start downloading too many shows in too short a span and cost you guys money. My email is [email protected] .

    Again, suggestions are always appreciated! (I’m not a crazy person; I have plenty of publications, this is the most soft sciencey analysis yet. A labor of loveline.)

    This post has received 1 vote up.
    #34066 Score: 0

    This is an interesting project, I would also be curious to see the results. Off topic, I haven’t been to the site since before the redesign and just wanted to say it looks great!

    #34643 Score: 0
    5 pts

    The greatest ‘little girl voice’ call is on 8/8/2002, at 0:31:30.

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