Sunday, April 17th, 2005
Guest: David Alan Grier
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
Source of audio for Michael Narren animation.
The source of D.A.G's "May I prolapse your anus?!" soundbite.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
The source of D.A.G’s “My I prolapse your anus?!” soundbite.
D.A.G. is on some good drugs, for sure.
I have this listed as a best of show.
the quote should be “May I prolapse your anus?” not “My”.
Sleep Apnea love making at 9:40 FTW!
This is also the origin of the Narren cartoon Romeo and Drewliet
I got feelins’ for you, can I prolapse your anus? CLassic
Without a doubt one of the best Loveline episodes of all time.
David, what are you studying now? Are you in High School or College?
…studying how to kick the white man’s ass….
I haven’t laughed so hard in probably years
Simply the best guest, always such an off the wall guest. The best of the best. Truly a shame they had a falling out…
51:00 black mad-libs
black-libs is a short but great bit
The catch phrase was only done consistently by Drew. Adam did his 0 times and DAG only once.
Man, Adam really does predict Drew’s daughter’s eating disorder, multiple times, throughout the show.
1:06:04 The source of Michael Narren’s legendary cartoon, and possibly the best bit in Loveline history.
What magor said — Drew’s daughter actually develops an eating disorder years after this. Ironic that Adam jokes about it here on this show. Drew maybe should have taken note..
hahahah Adam: “Bad news is they’re dead, the good news is you get anal”