Tuesday, July 24th, 2001 - #1518

Guest: no guest [replay]

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

Listen to theShow

This show was a replay of 2001-04-19 (no guest). Listen to the show there!

Comments (9)

  1. Epicenter

    Mother who’s had 8 kids, first kid at 12, hooked on heroin, one of the kids is going out with a dude who thinks he’s a vampire and makes her cut herself. It’s like the perfect “shouldn’t have kids and does” family

  2. psychomike

    took me until the Randolph call to realize it was a rerun. but it was 100% worth it. the Randolph gambling call is GOLD. One of the top calls ever. I could listen to it all day. I just listened to it again 4 times.

  3. Landlubber

    Compulsive gambler Randolph calls in with his tale of woe, and it sounds like he’s reading it off a page or has practiced the wording over and over before calling. When he comes to the end of his contrived little story, Adam yells “cut” then gives him some stage direction on how to play the next scene.

    Later an 18-year-old male caller says he is attracted to very young girls, around 10-12. He says he’s never acted on his attraction but does masturbate to them. Adam asks him to lay out what he thinks about and it is exceedingly creepy. His fantasy is that his little 10-year-old sister has a sleepover and one of the friends comes down and catches him watching porn. Instead of being creeped out by it she likes it and sits down next to him. They mercifully cut him off at this point before he continues with his little scenario.

  4. snowblindfriend

    This is definitely a replay. Great show if you’ve never heard it. At the first of the show they are referencing the gay guy that called and told them anal was easier if one were to push out as though taking a dump when it’s about to be inserted… LOL

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